Events calendar

Saturday, March 08, 2025
10:00 am

Garden Tour Kick-Off Meeting

The Porch Club of Riverton

Kick off meeting for the upcoming Garden Tour 2025.  Assignments for tasks and sign up's.  This is the most important meeting, all hands on deck please.
7:00 pm

Radio play “Sparky Goes to Doris Day’s Hotel”

The Porch Club of Riverton

Radio play “Sparky Goes to Doris Day’s Hotel”.

Sparky Goes to Doris Day's Hotel is a family-friendly, fun live radio mystery featuring my bombastic amateur sleuth, Miss Iodine Bell.  The "Miss Bell" mysteries began as short stories, but were adapted for radio and broadcast and performed by Shoestring Radio Theatre in San Francisco.  In Sparky Goes to Doris Day's Hotel, Miss Bell adopts a toy poodle, Sparky Bell, from the Fins, Feathers and Fur Animal Shelter and brings him to the dog-friendly Cypress Inn (owned by Doris Day) in Carmel, California to celebrate.  There, she discovers that a huge dog show is underway and one former multiple "Best in Show" winner, Nipper, has been nipped.  Miss Bell gets on the case to discover who pinched the prize pooch.  Sparky runs a half-hour, which was the format for the radio shows, but there are 10 minutes of lively original radio broadcasts from the 1930's which will be performed and sung by the cast.  There is also a musical prelude and musical ending and a 15-minute break between acts to get food.  All told, the show should run approximately one hour.

The Porch Club of Riverton

Post Office Box 49, Riverton, NJ 08077

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Member of General Federation of Women's Clubs

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Member of New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs

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Member of New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs; Garden District

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